Emily Brooks

Hope, Courage, Imagination

Worlds of Words

A blog devoted to story

Update: New book in August!

1 minute

Some of you already know, but I wanted to make an official announcement.

I am co-writing a book called Write Anyway! (Subtitle in the making).

Since January, my friend Jon Meyers and I have been working on building a community called Write Better Together, starting with our podcast.

Because many podcasts and books focus on the writing craft, those who listen to us will know that our focus is on the writing lifestyle, including things like productivity techniques, mental health, writing philosophy, and more.

This book is what I have so often needed as a writer when I already knew all the “right” things but couldn’t motivate myself to actually do them. More often then not, what I’ve needed is the encouragement and tools to get past the hurdles keeping me from writing.

That’s what this book is about. Each chapter focuses on a block that could be keeping you from writing and offers motivation and practical techniques for moving forward.

We just recently finished the first draft, and I’m so proud of what we’ve made.

As we prepare to launch the book, we are looking for people who are just as excited as we are to join our team and spread the word. If that’s you, send me a message, and we’ll find a way to get you involved!

Welcome! I’m Emily Brooks. I write hopeful fantasy, poetry, and personal essays that encourage you to live courageously.

New to the blog? Start here.

Andrew Peterson anxiety art author books Brandon Sanderson C.S. Lewis Christian Christian dating Christians with anxiety Courage depression Empathy Faith fear fear of failure Fiction future God gratitude growth Holy Spirit hope Hope for Anxiety hope for depression imposter syndrome Jesus joy Life love Mental Health panic attacks prayer Relationships SAD seasonal affective disorder self-doubt self-improvement tools for panic disorder trust winter worry writing writing inspiration Writing tips

From Worlds of Words

A blog devoted to story.

From Little Did She Know

A blog devoted to faith and courage.

The latest from my podcast

Sara Wigal shares why you should come to WriterFest in Nashville! Write Better Together

For more information about WriterFest, check out writerfestnashville.com!
  1. Sara Wigal shares why you should come to WriterFest in Nashville!
  2. Mindfulness, Organization, and Work-Life Balance with Sara Wigal
  3. Bob Sáenz Returns: Story Logic, Biopics, and Memoir
  4. Embracing trials, rejection, and failure as a writer
  5. Art vs product?: How audience and intention affect how you write


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